All in Politics

McAuliffe Unhinged

This is not the demeanor of a man who wants to be governor or who thinks he’s going to win. It’s the slightly unhinged, irrational behavior of an arrogant candidate, indignant he actually has to campaign for office instead of being coronated.

Youngkin V. McAuliffe

McAuliffe turned off the charm last night and turned on the attack. He tried his best to make Youngkin look like a far-right “tin-foil hat” candidate, but it didn’t work. Where McAuliffe was angry and emotional, Youngkin was reasonable and well-prepared.

Ralph Northam’s Power Play

With yesterday’s hasty and heavy-handed move Northam slyly signaled that the other shutdowns he’s ordered are also going to last months rather than weeks. Almost as if he’s been spoon-feeding his plans to the public rather than being honest.

Virginia's Vengeful Politicians

Virginia is one of two states where the state legislature elects judges. Politics are always part of the process. But scrapping a respected lawyer, whose only problem is that she stood up for the rule of law when a reckless politician ignored it, is spiteful.