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Unhinged NBC Talking Heads Demand Ronna McDaniels’ Scalp

I don’t know a single person who likes, admires or even cares about Ronna McDaniel.

Likewise, I don’t know a single person who watches NBC.

So the storm over the hiring and immediate firing of the former Republican National Committee chair as a political contributor to the far-left network is not the most important news event in the nation.

But the unhinged fury spewed by NBC and MSNBC on-air personalities was so virulent and hypocritical it simply begs for commentary.

So commentary they will get.

The anchor who became most hysterical over the hire was MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. You know, the drama queen who pushed the Trump/Russia hoax every night for years and assured the nation that if you took the Covid vaccine the virus was “stopped” and you couldn’t be infected.

Maddow led the mean girls’ charge against McDaniel that initially resulted in a pledge that the Republican would not be allowed to appear on the cable subsidiary of NBC. And later, under withering attacks by everyone from the snobs at Morning Joe to Joy Reid to Chuck Todd, NBC terminated Ms. McDaniel before she even started.

As I perused a list of NBC and MSNBC contributors and anchors it was like looking at a who’s who of American leftists. No wonder they didn’t want to contaminate the field with a conservative.

It would be one thing to hire disgruntled Republicans such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger or Bill Kristol to bloviate on politics while joining the lefties in their non-stop Trump-bashing festival.

But to have someone who actually worked with Trump? Supported him?

That was a hard no from NBC talking heads. Even during an election year when they might want to make some pretense of trying to air different points of view.

Think about it, a cable network that hired Biden’s red-headed mouthpiece, Jen Psaki, first as a political contributor and later rewarded the Biden loyalist with her own talk show would never want to be accused of bias by hiring a partisan woman who sometimes misled the public - as Psaki did daily when she was the president’s press secretary - for Biden’s opponent.

Allowing Ronna to appear on air with all of the smug beard tuggers like Chuck Todd might cause viewers to question the network’s objectivity.

Wouldn’t want that.

Besides, a cable channel that has a long-running relationship with race hustler Al Sharpton, with his history of tax problems and that ugly Tawana Brawley scandal wouldn’t want to be soiled by the occasional presence of McDaniel.

As I said, I’m ambivalent about McDaniel. But I feel a sorry for her. I’m not sure she expected that the network of Sharpton and Psaki to throw a hissy fit over the hiring of a 51-year-old conservative Mormon woman who doesn’t share their extreme views.

Hopefully, she will walk away with a big payday as Megyn Kelly did several years ago. (Her buyout was reported to be $69 million.)

In fact, Kelly said on her podcast this week that being well acquainted with the fate of conservative women on NBC she was tempted to send a text to McDaniel when she heard about her hiring.

Just two words: “Good luck”

Too late, Megyn.