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Biden Abandons Israel

Biden Abandons Israel

A few bad polls, a handful of mouthy pro-Hamas members of Congress and 100,000 disgruntled Democrat Michigan primary voters who cast their ballots for “uncommitted” is all it took for Joe Biden to toss one of America’s strongest allies under the international bus.

Oh, and those six American hostages being held by Hamas? Biden abandoned them just as he abruptly and casually abandoned our friends in Afghanistan.

In case you missed it in the avalanche of news about Donald Trump’s surprise success in a New York Appeals Court yesterday, the U.S. essentially joined hands with the United Nations’ Jew haters on Monday

It was the fourth time a cease-fire resolution was presented to the international body. The first three times the U.S. exercised its veto power in the Security Council to defeat the measure to interfere in Israel’s ability to rid the world of Hamas terrorists and secure the return of the 143 hostages who have been held in abysmal conditions for more than five months.

But on Monday, America abstained, allowing a resolution to pass.

What a cowardly, idiotic move by our delegation. Why not just vote for the resolution if you want to let Israel know they are being jettisoned for Arab-American votes?

Almost immediately the Israeli government cancelled plans to send a delegation to Washington.

(Benjamin) Netanyahu had planned to send two of his closest aides—Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer and National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi—for meetings beginning Tuesday on a planned ground operation in Rafah, in southern Gaza. The U.S. has tried to head off the operation out of concern that it could cause extensive casualties among the more than 1 million civilians who have taken refuge in the city, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Cancellation of the talks marks a significant setback for the White House, which strongly backed Israel’s Gaza invasion when it started nearly six months ago but is now urging that Israel fundamentally rethink its approach to Rafah, where four battalions of Hamas fighters appear determined to make a last stand. to discuss the ground invasion of Rafah, which is imminent.

Travel back in time with me to September 11, 2001. How would America have reacted if the nations of the world had meddled in our military engagements designed to kill terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan? It took us 10 years to kill Osama bin Laden. We spent decades in Afghanistan, leading to tens of thousands of civilian deaths. Israel didn’t scold us about a “proportional” response to the terror attacks of 2001.

Why is it the U.S. is so free with its advice to the Israeli government - all while yapping about foreign interference in our own elections?

For instance, Sen. Chuck Schumer called for new elections in Israel.

I wonder why he didn’t call for elections in what is left of Gaza? Do you suppose solid support for Hamas might destroy the Democrat narrative that claims most Palestinians don’t support the terrorists?

And while we’re at it, it’s time for the media and the administration to stop parroting casualty figures provided by Hamas. Those are unreliable and skewed to weaken support for Israel’s fight against terrorism. Besides, every civilian death in Gaza is the fault of Hamas terrorists who are hiding behind women and children and in tunnels under hospitals.

Israel has a right to retaliate any way it sees fit for the ruthless, unprovoked attacks on civilians on October 7.

The U.S, should support the lone democracy in the MidEast without reservation. We have skin in this game besides our long friendship with Israel. These terrorists are holding American citizens.

Biden is not a smart man, but he’s a political animal. He wants to hang on to the Jewish vote and the Arab-American vote too.

In a just world, he’d lose both.

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