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Damage Done: Fauci To Retire

Damage Done: Fauci To Retire

Anthony Fauci announced yesterday that he plans to retire. But not until the end of Biden’s term in office.

Hey, what’s the hurry? The guy’s only 81. That’s middle-aged these days in Washington.

Not surprising he’s going to take off at the same time Biden does. Perhaps sooner, if Republicans take control of Congress.

“They’re going to try to come after me, anyway. I mean probably less so if I’m not in the job,” Fauci told reporters.

Don’t count on it, doc. You’re in it up to your neck. And when the hearings on U.S. funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan begin, you’ll be the star witness.

Depending on your point of view Fauci is either an esteemed medical professional, or an out-of-control charlatan who used a pandemic as an excuse to push federal and state government officials to stomp on civil liberties.

If you’re a regular visitor to this space you know where I stand on this guy.

Frequently wrong, never in doubt, Fauci became a self-aggrandizing cover boy for the pandemic, posing for magazine covers, clumsily tossing out first pitches and making the rounds of Sunday morning news shows in stage makeup. All the while indifferent to the psychological and physical damage his lockdown, masking and vaccine mandate recommendations had on the country.

Ironically, for all his personal caution, his multiple vaccines and boosters and double masking Fauci recently caught covid not once, but twice, showing the absolute futility of the very mitigations he fervently supports.

Frankly, Fauci can’t leave his position as chief medical officer to the president of the United States soon enough for many of us.

Naturally, the corporate media, which relentlessly ginned up the covid hysteria and never questioned the lockdown lunatics in Washington, began tossing bouquets to Fauci yesterday.

Here’s what passes for objective journalism from The Washington Post, which regards Fauci as a diety.

That’s a cheap shot and something that would never have appeared in The Post when actual journalism was taking place in its pages.

Republicans didn’t oppose all efforts to contain the virus. They defended liberty and fought measures that limited freedom and did little to slow the spread of the virus.

Moreover, they stood for constitutional government, pointing out that there was no virus exception to the U.S. Constitution. Yet, acting on the advice of Fauci and friends, governors closed churches and schools, limited gatherings in private homes and mandated vaccines.


Fauci can go. But history will judge him harshly.

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