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Covid Chronicles: Live from New Orleans, Volume 1.

Covid Chronicles: Live from New Orleans, Volume 1.

Every once in a while, Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited is proud to bring some extra (hard hitting) content to the blog. Today, the team is pleased to share our very own Digital Director’s first-hand account of living in New Orleans during a pandemic. Buckle up, it’s gonna get weird.

Introducing: The Covid Chronicles, Volume 1!

Hi everyone! Carlisle here. Being away from Virginia and far from my family, I originally made this video for their eyes only. (See how well that turned out?) At Kerry’s convincing, I figured sharing it with the good people of the internet couldn’t hurt. If you like it, maybe I’ll upload another.

If you don’t, go wash your hands or something! :)

My main method of coping with global epidemics clearly centers on humor. But in all honesty — keep New Orleans in your thoughts. We are a small community and are quite prone to destruction on a massive scale. The world is a wild place right now, but I feel lucky to have so much connection to my family, friends, and loved ones. After all, we millennials and our frivolous internet culture are (at the very least) here to make you laugh.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. So say we all.


Suburbia Is Swell

Suburbia Is Swell

Fact: China Gave the World COVID-19

Fact: China Gave the World COVID-19