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Biden’s Sore Winners

Biden’s Sore Winners

I don’t blame Joe Biden voters for being happy. I can understand them wanting to celebrate. 

What I don’t understand is the unquenchable anger many of them harbor for those of us who don’t share their political beliefs or their infatuation with this hackneyed politician.

The news media says he won. Lose the hate.

Nevertheless, everywhere I turned on social media this weekend I found rage. Sure, some of it was from Trump supporters alleging fraud, but more was from Biden folks. Just spewing. 

They’re indignant that the blue wave didn’t materialize. They’re furious that we don’t agree with their politics. They can’t understand how 70 million (and counting) of their fellow Americans voted for Donald Trump. 

Why, they had no idea how many stupid, despicable, racist people lived in the U.S. 

How dare we support the president! How dare we oppose lockdowns! How dare we want a robust economy and low unemployment rates! How dare we want to enforce our borders and demand ID to vote.

Frankly, there’s a deeply troubling movement growing among lefties who - even as Biden is calling for unity - are busily collecting pro-Trump names to put on some sort of list.

Don’t doubt me.

Pol Pot would be proud, AOC.

Frankly, every American - Democrat and Republican - ought to be horrified at a member of Congress seeming to support lists of enemies to be kept for punishment at some future time.

It’s not just her. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich has been calling for “Truth and Reconciliation Commissions” to deal with Trump supporters.

In a terrific column  for The Chicago Tribune on Oct. 21, “Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Why Not Just Make Ready The Guillotine?” John Kass pointed out that some leftists are so filled with rage that they seek retribution for those who elected and supported Trump.

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, the progressive former Labor Department secretary to former President Bill Clinton and adviser to President Barack Obama. “It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

This follows another call for a Truth Commission delivered by an MSNBC host, the lefty Chris Hayes:

“The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.” 

“Name every official, politician, executive and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

Let that soak in for a minute. And what, pray tell, will these fascists do with those on the list? Send them to gulags? Re-education camps? Blacklist them so they cannot work and support their families?


I suppose this is the logical extension of today’s vicious cancel culture and of the calls - which were heeded - by Maxine Waters to shun and harass Trump cabinet members and “let them know they are not welcome anywhere.”

Her call resulted in the then-newly elected Vice President Mike Pence and his wife being humiliated by the cast of “Hamilton” when they attended a performance in New York , it resulted in Sarah Huckabee Sanders being chased out of the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington simply because she worked for the president, and it recently led to Lindsey Graham being harassed by screaming women in an airport.

This crazed behavior, which was rampant during the French Revolution, is likely to accelerate if Biden can’t get control of his supporters.

Because the only thing worse than sore losers are sore winners.

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