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Michelle Williams' Sickening Speech

Michelle Williams' Sickening Speech

Like many of you, I don’t watch awards show. Shoot, if I want to see someone ridicule my beliefs, I can turn on MSNBC. Or read some of the comments on Facebook.

So in the aftermath of last week’s Golden Globe awards all I saw were clips of Ricky Gervais’ blistering opening monologue. In it, he mocked show biz folks - and by extension himself - for their smug self-importance, their phoniness and their lack of education.

Gervais concluded by begging the winners to refrain from political speeches.

“So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and #@$% off, OK?”

Fat chance.

Give Hollywood lefties a statue and a mic and there’s no shutting them up.

The one political speech that got lots of post-awards show attention was delivered by Michelle Williams who won for best actress in a limited series.

CNN called it “Powerful.” Salon called it a “Crucial Truth.”

Normal people would call it sickening.

Without saying the word “abortion,” this pregnant actress not only lobbied for abortion, but alluded to an abortion that allowed her to achieve such greatness.

 “When you put (the Golden Globe Award) in someone’s hands you’re acknowledging the choices they make as an actor,” she began. “Moment by moment, scene by scene, day by day. But you’re also acknowledging the choices they make as a person. The education they pursued, the training they sought, the hours they put in. I’m grateful for the acknowledgement of the choices I’ve made …” 

“… And I wouldn’t have been able to do this without employing a woman’s right to choose.”

Yep, this woman apparently traded a baby for a statuette.

And she’s proud of it.

If you haven’t been paying attention you might not know that Williams is part of a growing movement aimed at normalizing and celebrating abortion.

These activists aren’t buying the old line that abortion is a regrettable procedure of last resort. A tough, somber decision. Nope, modern feminists brag about their casual abortions. Urge others to join them.

They deliberately conflate abortion rights with “women’s rights” as if anti-abortion women don’t exist. Or aren’t real women.

We’ve come a long way from 1992 when Bill Clinton famously announced his support of abortion, declaring that the procedure should be “safe, legal and rare,” and acknowledging that abortion was indeed different from other medical procedures. After all, no one says that appendectomies or gall bladder surgeries should be rare.

For a time Hillary Clinton at least pretended to share her husband’s beliefs, according to a recent piece in The Atlantic. headlined, “Losing The Rare in ‘Safe, Legal, and Rare.”

“When (Hillary) was running in the 2008 Democratic primary, she decided to improve on Bill’s magic. ‘I believe abortion should be safe, legal and rare,” she announced, “and when I say ‘rare,’ I mean rare!”

Not any more.

“By her 2016 campaign, she’d noted a change of mood on the feminist left, dropped all three rares, and opposed the Hyde amendment, which bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion,” The Atlantic noted.

In a piece in Rewire.News, a trio of abortion enthusiasts discussed Williams’ speech. At least one expressed sadness that Williams had used the euphemism “right to choose” rather than the “a” word. Another, Jordyn Close (described in her bio as a 23-year-old who’s pro-sex and pro-abortion) said, “My abortion was super dope and affirming.”

This is where we are, America.

Not only do abortion lovers want to be free to abort babies up until the moment of delivery, they want these ghoulish procedures to be no more controversial than a pedicure.

You know, super dope.

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