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Say Goodbye To The Boy Scouts

Say Goodbye To The Boy Scouts

And just like that wokeness claims another American institution.

The Boy Scouts are “rebranding” to Scouting America to signal “inclusion.” Why not? For the past five years the once-vibrant all-male organization allowed girls to join as they watched their membership numbers plummet.

Here’s how the AP described the change:

The rebrand is another seismic shift for an organization steeped in tradition that did not allow gay youths or girls to begin joining its ranks until relatively recently. Seeking to boost flagging membership numbers, the Irving, Texas-based organization announced the name change Tuesday at its annual meeting in Florida.

“In the next 100 years we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs,” Roger Krone, who took over last fall as president and chief executive officer, told The Associated Press in an interview before the announcement.

Hah. As if a name change can reverse the decline brought on by a tsunami of child molestation lawsuits and financial problems.

Here’s a prediction, Mr. Krone: Forget 100 years. In 10 years Scouting America will be gone. And not just because the popcorn the kids sell is disgusting.

Anyone else remember when Boy Scouts were a place where boys learned how to become capable, good men?

Fact is, they’ve now watered down an adventure organization that meant something to American boys into a meaningless, virtue-signaling, feminized, social club. 

As best I can tell Girl Scouts are still girls only. And the reasoning - according to their website - is sound.

Studies show that in coed learning environments, boys receive more praise than girls when they call out in class, making girls less likely to raise their hands. Furthermore, boys are allowed to problem solve on their own during class time, which fosters independence, whereas teachers tend to step in and “help” girls, leading girls to question their own abilities.

…All-girl environments—be they all-female sports teams, regular slumber parties, or even her Girl Scout troop meetings—work as a type of oasis in her world. When there are no boys to be compared to (or to compare herself to!), she can discover her passions, stretch her limits, and shine her absolute brightest without the social pressures of being seen as too girly, too masculine, or really too anything. Essentially, she’s allowed to be herself and learn her own strengths on her own terms. 

Of course as soon as “trans” girls - boys pretending to be girls - invade the Girl Scouts, this organization, which meant so much to me and many of my friends, will also be ruined.

And the left will celebrate, because there is nothing they loathe more than wholesome, traditional, sex-segregated clubs that encourage self-reliance, preparedness, service, hard work, independence and love of God and country.

Farewell Boy Scouts. Don’t worry, the girls won’t be far behind.

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