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Panderer-In-Chief Is At It Again

Panderer-In-Chief Is At It Again

It’s unfortunate that gullible young people were bamboozled into attending one of the for-profit Art Institutes that went belly up last year after decades of fabricating the success rates of graduates and pushing students into taking out loans on top of loans for degrees that proved to be worthless. (The Art Institute of Virginia Beach closed last September, stranding 122 students.)


But why is it the duty of American taxpayers to pick up the tab for the debts these people incurred?

That’s what’s happening, thanks to the desperate panderer-in-chief in the White House who continues to defy the U.S. Supreme Court that ruled he doesn’t have the authority to forgive student debt. His popularity is slipping among young people - and virtually every other group - and he’s trying to buy their votes.

The man who can’t get up from his naps long enough to denounce antisemitism on college campuses did manage to cough up a statement about student debt yesterday:

Dear God. This man is shameless.

Biden’s timing is impeccable, isn’t it? Not a single sentient American watching the news right now is in the mood to forgive ANY student debt. Not even for those who were swindled out of tuition in sketchy schools.

What’s next?

Will Biden decide that American taxpayers need to bail out suckers who fell for deceitful timeshare salesmen? 

And why stop there. What about all the folks who bought lemons from used car dealers?

Or desperate people suffering in Biden’s economy who took out payday loans they can’t repay?

What about homeowners who are upside down on their mortgages?

People who are being held hostage by ransomware on their computers?

And let’s not forget the 100,000 senior citizens who were bilked out of $34 billion by scammers last year. The FBI says the thieves posed as tech support or government and bank officials. Unlike the Art Institute grads, many of these folks are on fixed incomes.

American taxpayers can’t be expected to right every wrong. After all, the world is full of charlatans.

Including the one living at the White House.

Biden Shuffles To the Lectern. For One Minute.

Biden Shuffles To the Lectern. For One Minute.

Unmask The Death-To-America Rioters

Unmask The Death-To-America Rioters