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Leave It To Dr. Jill…

Leave It To Dr. Jill…

In 2016, speaking about his vice president, Barack Obama reportedly said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to F-things up.”

Looks like the former president could just as easily been speaking about Joe’s silly wife, Jill Biden.

Last week this woman managed to introduce controversy into an exciting NCAA women’s basketball championship by going all girly and showing that she knows absolutely nothing about sports and competition.

This everyone-gets-a-trophy dope declared that not only should the winning LSU team be invited to the White House (a tradition with national sports champs) but she intended to talk to her husband about inviting the losing Iowa team as well “because they played such a good game.”


With her remarks, intended perhaps to help her husband in the Iowa caucuses, Mrs. Biden managed to tick off both teams.

Dr. Jill, as she likes to be called, clearly never played a team sport. If she had she would know that teams play to win, not lose. They don’t celebrate a loss. Athletes brush themselves off, congratulate the winners and vow to play better next time. THAT’S sportsmanship. Not honoring the losers alongside the winners.

This was almost as cringe-inducing as Kamala Harris barging into the Howard men’s basketball locker room a few weeks ago after the Bisons were rolled by Kansas 96-68 and telling the losers what winners they were.

Iowa guard Caitlin Clark, national player of the year, made it clear that LSU deserved the trip to the White House. Iowa didn’t.

“I don’t think the runner-up go to the White House, “ she said. “LSU should enjoy that moment for themselves and congratulations to them. They deserve to go there.”

And Angel Reese, the LSU star, made it clear she didn’t want to go to Biden’s home even after Biden’s mouthpieces quickly backpedaled on the First Lady’s statement.

“I don’t accept the apology. Because, you said what you said … you can’t go back on certain things that you say,” Reese said. “You felt like they should have came because of sportsmanship, right? They can have that spotlight. We’ll go to the Obamas, we’ll see Michelle, we’ll see Barack.”

In the end, the LSU athletic director said the team would accept the White House invitation and Reese indicated without much enthusiasm that she would probably go.

This is illustrative of the Bidens’ chronic tone deafness, which apparently afflicts both members of the couple.

It did not go unnoticed by players or the public that the Iowa team was mostly white and the LSU members were mostly black.

Reese said she was certain that if Iowa had won Biden wouldn’t have made those stupid remarks

“I just know if the roles were reversed, that it wouldn’t be the same. If we were to lose, we would not be getting invited to the White House,” Reese said.

To paraphrase Barack Obama: Never underestimate the ability of a Biden to F-things up.

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