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John Kerry: High-Flying Hypocrite

John Kerry: High-Flying Hypocrite

If I hadn’t seen John Kerry having breakfast two years ago in an Oxford, Mississippi restaurant, I’d have completely forgotten about King Ketchup.

But then President Joe Biden had to go and name Kerry his climate czar and now he’s in our faces again. And we’re reminded how completely out of touch this Boston Brahmin is with the rest of America.

The man who thinks your F-150 is polluting the planet, causing the ice caps to melt and sparking wildfires in California hopscotches the planet on his private jet.

Hey, I would too if I’d married an heiress and had a Gulfstream at my disposal. But I’d have the good sense to leave my hectoring self at home.

Kerry didn’t even have the decency to fly commercial to Iceland two years ago to accept the Arctic Circle Award for Climate Leadership. Fox News reports that when asked at the ceremony if arriving by private jet was a wise move for the environment, the irony-impaired Kerry sniffed that it was “the only choice for someone like me who is traveling the world to win this battle.”

Someone like me. 

Ah, yes. Another reminder of why this kite-surfing rich boy lost the 2004 election. He’s not like us.

Kerry added some gibberish about carbon offsets, but the truth is, he doesn’t take climate change seriously. If he did he would fly commercial. Or not fly at all. 

Why didn’t he simply ask the Icelanders to mail his climate award to him?

It’s been estimated that private planes belch out 40 times more carbon dioxide emissions per passenger than the airborne cattle cars the rest of us fly on, where we feast on packs of Nabs and try to keep that obese passenger in the middle seat from spilling into our space.

Not that Kerry would ever fly coach with the Hoi Polloi.

Here’s an idea: Next time this preening hypocrite has a meeting with a world leader to talk climate change, Kerry should do what millions of American schoolchildren have been forced to do every day this year: 

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