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Cars Don’t Kill People. Homicidal Maniacs Do.

Cars Don’t Kill People. Homicidal Maniacs Do.

The woke media like to remind us that words matter.

Illegal aliens must now be referred to as undocumented immigrants. Amnesty is now a “pathway to citizenship.” People must now be called by their preferred pronouns regardless of what’s in their pants. Women are now menstruating persons. Mothers are birthing people. Breastfeeding is chestfeeding. 

The list goes on an on. 

So why is it that the media is so careless when reporting certain types of stories?

Take CNN, for instance. 

They’re the latest news outlet to tell us that the massacre in Waukesha last week was caused by an SUV. Not a homicidal maniac. Not a white-hating black man. Not a domestic terrorist. 

The carnage, according to CNN, was caused by a car.

A few days earlier The Washington Post did the same thing, telling readers “Here’s what we know so far on the sequence of events that led to the Waukesha tragedy CAUSED BY A SUV.”

The Post has since deleted this curiously worded Tweet. But screenshots live forever.

As I write this it has been eight days since Darrell Brooks “allegedly” drove his red SUV into a Christmas parade in Waukesha, killing six people and injuring more than 60. Yet news about what certainly appears to be a racially motivated hate crime has fallen off the front pages.

It doesn’t fit a narrative, so the media has deliberately lost interest. Besides, covering the killings distracted from the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, which attracted massive attention from newsies last week.

In fact, I had to go to TV news - ABC - to get the latest on the condition of the children  who were mowed down by the maniac behind the wheel. Sixteen kids were rushed to the hospital last Sunday. One died there. All but eight have been released. Four of those injured youngsters remain in serious condition, two in fair condition and two in good condition. 

Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that a racist white man drove an SUV into a crowd of black people celebrating Christmas, murdering elderly women and innocent children in the process.

Do you suppose we’d be reading about a CAR causing the mayhem?

You bet we wouldn’t. 

Look, it’s time for the media to stop sugarcoating some stories, hyping others and ignoring the ones that don’t suit their world view.

If the press wants to regain any credibility it needs to go back to basics: Give us the facts. And tell stories in plain English without a bunch of awkward euphemisms gumming up the works. 

On, and stick with big stories that cry out for follow-ups, even when they don’t line up with the wokes’ view of the world. 

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