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It’s 2020. Let’s Stop Annoying Each Other.

Ah, a New Year. 

This could be the best one ever. If only we'd all resolve to stop doing those things that irritate everyone else.

Forgive me if you've seen some of these gripes on Twitter or in this space. In the interest of making 2020 a nuisance-free year, some need to be repeated.

First, let’s all try to learn how to use apostrophes correctly. That means never, ever putting an apostrophe after a proper name unless it is meant to be possessive. That also means you may not put an apostrophe after your family name on a Christmas card. It makes baby Jesus sad.

And could we all vow to stop sharing pictures of our food on Facebook and Instagram? This is going to be painful to hear, but you need to know that no one cares what your dinner looks like. You’re just showing off.

Also, let’s stop with the over-the-top theatrical marriage proposals on YouTube. Keep that stuff private. Unless the girl said “no." Definitely share those.

This being football bowl season it would be nice if fans didn’t lose their minds with joy when their team wins the coin toss. It means nothing. Your team is not going to win because the captain correctly called heads.

One of my pals suggested we beg gas stations to silence those creepy voices that sometimes emanate from gas pumps. I agree. I also wish they'd drop the digital messages. Last week a pump asked me if I wanted to come inside and get a flu shot. I said no. Now I have the flu. This is worrisome.

Here's one we can all agree on: Let's put our phones away when we're in restaurants. Last week I watched a young couple eat dinner, totally oblivious to each other, as they each played with their phone. I'll bet they were posting pictures to social media about all the fun they were having.

A 30-something I know suggests that we invent a better word than "millennials" to describe her much-maligned generation. As a certified baby boomer - which at least has some energy to it - I second that. A millennial sounds like an insect. Suggestions?

This may sound petty, but it would be nice if no one over the age of 3 ever used the word "yummy" again. It's childish.

I'm pretty sure I’m not the only one who wants the Weather Channel to quit trying to hang monikers on non-tropical storms. Naming storms other than hurricanes hasn’t caught on and the meteorologists using monikers sound nutty. They’re like the clueless character in "Mean Girls" who wanted "fetch" to catch on. Fetch is not a thing. Neither are snowstorms with names.

And bomb cyclones? Don’t get me started.

Automatic toilets in public restrooms need to go. I like to decide when it's time to flush.

Isn't it time engineers who design elevators came up with a better button to keep the doors open? Those triangular images confuse the average person.

Plus, the one you press always slams the door in some hapless person's face.

Finally, why don't folks on both the left and right of the political spectrum stop with all the phony outrage - and demands for immediate dismissal - when some celebrity or public figure misspeaks. We have enough teleprompter addicts. The price of keeping it real is that people sometimes blurt. Let's deal with it.

You’re welcome, Joe Biden. In fact, I think what the country needs to kick off 2020 is more Corn Pop. 

Happy New Year, everyone!