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Believe The Woman? Or Justin Fairfax?

Poor Justin Fairfax.

Looks like Virginia’s  lieutenant governor may be the latest victim of the Ralph Northam smear machine.

At least that’s what Fairfax implied yesterday when reporters asked him about charges that surfaced Sunday on the Big League Politics website alleging that he sexually assaulted a woman he met at the 2004 Democratic convention.

“Does anybody think it's any coincidence that on the eve of potentially my being elevated that that's when this uncorroborated smear comes out?" Justin Fairfax snapped, after saying he hadn’t talked to Northam in a few days.

Fairfax demurred when asked directly if Northam was behind the exquisitely timed story, saying he had no information.

We knew what he meant. 

And now Fairfax knows how Ed Gillespie felt when Northam’s goons tried to tie him to the ugly events in Charlottesville during the 2017 gubernatorial campaign. Gillespie was as mainstream a Republican as you can find in Virginia. Shoot, he nearly upset Mark Warner for the U.S. Senate in 2014 and Northam wasn’t taking any chances. The Democrat relentlessly accused Gillespie of racism. It worked.

Now that he’s in the Governor’s Mansion, Ralph Northam desperately wants to stay there. Never underestimate what a panicked politician will do to cling to power.

Problem is, with the new Fairfax sexual assault allegations, how does the Virginia Democratic party respond? Party rules say the accuser must be believed and the accused must spend the rest of his life in a perpetual state of shame.

Lord knows Democrats were quick to embrace the hazy marinated memories of a California academic with a fat go-fund-me account last summer when she accused Brett Kavanaugh of teenaged sexual assault. In fact, prominent feminists - who seem to be pulling the Democratic strings these days - insisted that all women must be believed on matters of sexual assault.

Unless they’re accusing Bill Clinton, that is.

It’s a ridiculous position. I’m a woman. I’ve spent my life in the bosom of the “sisterhood.”  I know for a fact we’re no more trustworthy than men.

Problem for Fairfax is that just a few months ago his party mindlessly sided with the “victims” in the Kavanaugh hearings no matter how far-fetched their stories. Those same politicians are cornered now. Making matters worse, Justin Fairfax admits he had some sort of sex with this woman, but it was consensual. According to news reports, she says he forced her to perform oral sex.

Why would she say that if it wasn’t true? they asked during the Kavanaugh hearings. What does she have to gain? Women don’t lie about such things.

So what does the #believeallwomen contingent do? At the very least they must insist Fairfax not become governor.

Fairfax’s alleged victim peddled this story to the Washington Post in 2017 but the paper declined to print it. They couldn’t corroborate her story. Or Fairfax’s. 

Odd, The Post wasn’t nearly so circumspect when it came to printing wild, unsubstantiated accusations about Kavanaugh from all three of his accusers. Including the bizarre gang-rape charges from Julie Swetnick who was guided by disgraced Democratic lawyer Michael Avenatti.

I have no idea whether Justin Fairfax forced himself on a women in 2004.

Shoot, I still can’t decide if Ralph “Coonman” Northam is the guy in blackface or the Klan robe.

I’m just sitting back and watching hysterical Virginia Democrats with their hair on fire.

Pass the popcorn.